Hottest Videos AI Summarized 2024-04-13

1. 📝 【零門檻】1個AI工具,解放設計❗️|建築設計/室內設計/電商設計/遊戲設計|AI TOOLS FOR DESIGNERS (9 times summarized)
💥【无门槛】一个AI工具,解放设计!🎨 | 适用于建筑设计/室内设计/电商设计/游戏设计 | AI TOOLS FOR DESIGNERS
那我这次介绍的网站,叫做Prome AI,这是他的官网,我们可以看到,他无论是对室内设计、建筑设计、电商设计,还是游戏动漫行业,都有对应的解决方案和产品!
1. 草图渲染
2. 效果图转草图
3. 动物拟人化
4. 产品摄影图
5. AI超模
除此以外,Prome AI还有非常非常多其他好玩的功能,我觉得大家都可以试试看!
我们现在呢,可以说是已经快把图片都玩出花来了,但同时呢,我们在玩的过程当中,免不了会需要对图片做一些简单的编辑,所以prome AI还非常贴心地给了对应的小工具,可以看到,现在图片编辑Tab下共有4个功能,分别是高清放大、涂抹替换、尺寸外扩和重打光!

2. 📝 【突發】2024年美國頂不住要降息了?別做夢了?提前投資的人終將一無所有?最壞的情況還沒有出現,泡沫還沒被刺破?之前有多樂觀,現在就有多慘?(上) (7 times summarized)

3. 📝 Valve's "Secret Weapon" (7 times summarized)

4. 📝 Understanding Car Crashes: When Physics Meets Biology (6 times summarized)
Understanding Car Crashes: When Physics Meets Biology
(Engine Revving) (Lively Music)
Why do some spectacular car crashes only result in minor injuries? How can a single car crash result in three collisions?
The answers to these questions are determined by natural laws, and can best be explained by the intersection of physics and biology. By studying injury biomechanics, or the study of how force affects the human body, we have gained a deeper understanding of what happens during high-speed car crashes. This information is used by doctors and engineers to build safer cars and racetracks.
(Machine Whirring)
Similarly, biomechanics research in crash tests helps us understand what happens to the human body in car crashes, and what is effective or ineffective in reducing injuries and fatalities in real-world crashes.
Hello, I'm Greg Jones. I'm a science teacher at the Vehicle Research Center of the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, where I explore the fundamental science behind car crashes and their consequences.
Let's take a closer look at what happens to the human body in a crash.
(Upbeat Electronic Music)
When you think of car crashes, what scientific discipline comes to mind? It's probably physics, since Newton's laws of motion determine what happens to a car in a crash. But if we want to understand how a crash causes injuries, we need to look at what happens when physical forces are applied to organs, tissues, and cells.
This intersection of physics and biology occurs in the field of injury biomechanics.
The Vehicle Research Center is a world-class vehicle research and testing facility. One reporter described the crash hall as a combination of a Hollywood soundstage and a NASA clean room. Using nitrogen-driven hydraulic machines and cable systems, vehicles are driven at precise speeds along the tracks. High-speed cameras are illuminated by a 500-frame-per-second lighting array, providing up to 750,000 watts of shadow-free lighting.
The research being conducted today focuses on understanding and replicating the injuries sustained in real-world crashes. In this experiment, a car crash into a tree is being replicated.
(Car Crash Sound)
To understand the injuries sustained by the driver in the actual crash, the airbags are disabled.
Lorraine: "Observe the driver's chest. We can see that the chest compression reached approximately 50 millimeters."
The chest acceleration is 70-80 g, producing an acceleration range.
Lorraine: "The likelihood of a skull fracture is high."
Man: "That's really bad."
Lorraine: "Yes, it's really bad."
Griff: "Figuring out what exactly happened in this test crash is the job of the research engineers here."
Using advanced tools such as crash test dummies, in-car instruments, and high-speed cameras, they can analyze every detail and accurately depict what happened to the vehicle and its occupants.
When research engineers use terms like "chest compression reaching approximately 50 millimeters," what does that mean for a human occupant? If the chest acceleration is 70-80 g, or the equivalent of 70-80 times the weight of the dummy's chest pressing on it, is it possible to survive?
People have been studying the limits of human tolerance to force for decades. Today's car and truck drivers benefit from biomechanics research conducted in the 1940s, 50s, and 60s in the field of aviation, where researchers studied how to protect pilots and astronauts from the violent forces of high-speed travel.
(Crazed Piano Music)
John Stapp, a US Air Force doctor and biophysicist, conducted experiments on himself to study human tolerance to high-g environments.
Narrator: "From the outside, it looks like a routine high-speed stop."
Griff: "In one of Stapp's many tests, the speed reached 632 miles per hour, and then one of the most powerful braking systems ever built stopped him in 1.4 seconds, subjecting him to over 40 g, or 40 times the force of gravity."
Stapp's research helped determine the limits of human tolerance to high-g environments, and his work in developing and improving ejection seats has saved countless lives.
Stapp realized that the number of deaths from car crashes was almost equal to the number of deaths from plane crashes, so he began a car crash program using rocket sleds for safety belt tests. Human volunteers worked with Stapp's biophysics research team and were subjected to forces up to 28 g in safety belt tests.
This early research laid the groundwork for the complex crash analysis being conducted today.
These dummies are the perfect example of how science, technology, engineering, and mathematics are used to extend scientific understanding. They are the modern counterparts of Stapp's human volunteers.
VRC crash tests don't just use one dummy, and there's not just one type of event. There are multiple dummies for different types of crashes.
(Lively Original Music)
Marvin: "This is our series of crash test dummies, ranging from six months old to the 95th percentile of adults."
Griff: "The 95th percentile is what?"
Marvin: "That means it's taller than 95% of the US male population."
Griff: "Wow."
Marvin: "Yes. If he could stand, he would be 6 feet 2 inches tall and weigh 223 pounds. Quite large."
Griff: "What about the smaller dummies?"
Marvin: "They're called 'children.'
Griff: "Children?"
Marvin: "Yes, they're not actually crabby, but they represent child restraint safety belt interaction."
Griff: "So, for a head-on crash, it's the 50th percentile?"
Marvin: "Yes."
Griff: "Okay."
Marvin: "The side-impact dummy is a very complex dummy. It has the most instruments. It has sensors from head to toe."
Griff: "So the dummy is very complex."
Marvin: "Yes, it provides data from many different body areas."
Griff: "But how do we connect all this dummy data to real-world injuries?"
All these crash test data can be compared to similar measurements taken from experiments using animal models or postmortem human specimens to understand how much force a particular body part can withstand before breaking.
To determine if a person will be injured, you need to know the strength of the bones, the strength of the tissues, and what conditions cause them to break.
Crash test dummies aim to provide a clearer understanding of what actually happens to people.
This is where the term "biofidelity" comes from.
Biofidelity refers to the features of a dummy that represent its similarity to a real human. The higher the biofidelity, the more accurately the dummy represents its movement, the types of forces measured in crash tests, and the realism of the resulting injuries.
Research engineers can use this information to accurately predict what a human occupant will experience in a crash test.
Using Stapp's experiments, along with decades of research on postmortem human and animal specimens, a set of reference values has been established. These reference values can be compared to the forces and deformations experienced by the dummy in a crash test to determine if they will cause injury to the occupant.
But what do these forces and stresses actually do to people?
Let's start with some basic anatomy.
Your body contains over 100 trillion cells, organized into four levels of structure. Cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems.
Tissues are groups of similar cells that work together to perform a common function.
Organs are made up of two or more types of tissues that work together to perform a specific function.
Each organ is part of at least one organ system that performs a major activity or process.
Your body contains four fluid-filled spaces called cavities, which house and protect your major internal organs.
In these cavities, your organs float in fluid, supported by the weight of the fluid, which prevents them from deforming due to normal movement.
Your organs are also protected by bones and muscles.
For example, your heart and lungs are protected by the thoracic cavity and ribcage.
Your brain is housed in the cranial cavity and protected by the skull.
Now, keeping this in mind, let's revisit the question from the beginning of the film. How can a crash result in three collisions?
Remember, the laws of physics apply everywhere, on the highway, on the racetrack, and even inside your body.
If a racecar is traveling at 200 miles per hour, the driver's body and all its internal organs are also traveling at 200 miles per hour.
Let's answer the question.
The first collision occurs between the car and the wall.
The second collision occurs between the driver and the interior of the car.
The third collision occurs between the driver's internal organs and the interior of their body.
To help us understand what happens during the third collision, let's meet Dr. Stephen Olvey, a neurointensivist and chief of neurocritical care at Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami.
Olvey: "There are essentially three collisions. You have the initial impact with the vehicle. Then, the passenger hits something inside the vehicle and suddenly stops. This creates internal forces."
For example, the lungs may hit the chest wall, the heart may hit the chest wall or the inside of the chest, causing lung contusions or heart muscle contusions.
This is what causes the spleen to rupture, the liver to tear, because one part of the organ is fixed and the other part can move freely, creating shearing forces that cause tissue bleeding or tearing.
The brain is enclosed in a hard box, the skull. It is cushioned and surrounded by cerebrospinal fluid.
The density of the cerebrospinal fluid is actually different from that of the brain itself.
So, if the skull is struck, when the brain begins to move, the cerebrospinal fluid also begins to move, but at a different speed than the brain.
This causes the brain to move in the opposite direction of the initial impact.
Griff: "This simple experiment demonstrates this."
This represents your skull.
The water represents your cerebrospinal fluid.
The red jelly represents your brain.
The jelly floats because its density is less than that of the water, just like your brain has a lower density than your cerebrospinal fluid.
What do you think will happen when the skull is struck?
Will the brain move forward, backward, or stay in the same place?
Let's see.
The brain's initial movement is towards the back of the skull.
The denser fluid moves towards the side of the skull that was struck, causing the brain to move in the opposite direction.
If the impact is strong enough, the brain will first hit the back of the skull, then rebound and hit the front of the skull.
This type of injury is called a "contrecoup" injury, from the French for "hit against hit."
The sequence of events in the skull is still a topic of debate in the medical community.
Is it the denser fluid that moves first in the opposite direction, or does the brain move first in the direction of the initial impact, then get moved by the wave of cerebrospinal fluid?
By the way, this simple experiment was designed by a high school student for her science fair project.
It was later published in a medical journal and sparked controversy.
When pressure is applied to an organ, injury occurs due to the force applied.
Another way for injury to occur is when one part of an organ or tissue is fixed and the other part can move freely.
For example, the aortic arch and its branches are mobile, while the descending aorta is fixed.
Let's demonstrate how sudden deceleration can cause an aortic dissection.
The unsupported part of the aorta continues to move forward and tears away from the supported part.
In a real crash, the fixed part of the aorta slows down with the body, while the moving part continues to move forward.
This creates a tear at the point where the fixed and moving parts meet.
Even the inertia of a filled heart can cause stress and injury to the aortic arch.
We've been talking about the forces and stresses on tissues and organs.
But what exactly are force and stress?
(Serious Alternative Music)
Force is a measure of the average deforming load applied to a defined region of an organ.
Stress produces strain, which is the degree of deformation of an organ due to stress.
This special gel has elastic properties similar to some human tissues.
However, not all human tissues have the same strength.
External forces and pressures cause internal pressures and stresses in tissues.
There are three basic types of stress: tensile stress, which is produced by stretching; compressive stress, which is produced by compression; and shear stress, which is produced by a combination of tension and compression.
Engineers determine the safety of a bridge by comparing the stresses on the bridge to the strength of the building material.
Each material, whether it's concrete or different types of human tissues, has a critical stress limit.
Staying below this limit prevents damage or failure.
Exceeding the stress limit causes failure.
Injury to human tissues is like structural failure.
This is a special gel.
A common type of injury in car crashes is blunt trauma, which is non-penetrating injury caused by the body hitting a rounded or blunt object, and vice versa.
Impact creates a shock wave that travels through the body, similar to a shock wave traveling through air.
I'm hitting this gel with a mallet, creating a slow-motion visible shock wave.
When the wave passes through different density tissues, it changes speed and/or direction, creating complex wave interactions that cause stress and strain in tissues and organs.
Larger, more concentrated impacts create larger, more destructive shock waves, causing more stress and strain.
If the type and magnitude of stress exceed the strength of the tissue, injury occurs.
But what does the shock wave actually do to the tissue?
When the shock wave passes through the tissue, it disrupts the function of cells at the cellular level.
Olvey: "Cells are actually damaged and begin to malfunction. Glutamate and potassium leave the cells, and calcium enters. In brain injuries, this ion shift causes the release of chemicals that disrupt the brain's ability to regulate its own blood flow, impairing its ability to supply oxygen to the brain."
This failure of self-regulation disrupts the brain's ability to supply oxygen to individual cells.
This creates a risk of malfunction or even cell death.
This is a chain reaction or cascade of chemical events at the cellular level.
Griff: "So, we've learned how car crashes cause injuries.
Powerful forces create shock waves, which create pressure, causing tissues and organs to stretch, tear, or compress.
This sets off a series of events that can lead to cell death."
The key to reducing car crash injuries is reducing the force on vehicle occupants.
Olvey's daily work is to save lives in the hospital.
In his other career, he is a pioneer in race car medicine and the chief medical officer for the Grand-Am Rolex Sports Car Series.
Olvey organized the first traveling medical team for motorsports.
Starting in the early 1980s, he and his team began collecting data on injuries related to racing crashes to identify trends and systematically study injuries.
In 1993, Olvey's team began using professional race cars as laboratories, collecting and analyzing data from onboard crash recorders.
This led to significant improvements in the safety of race cars and tracks.
Now, they've even added functionality to the walls.
Olvey: "It's called the SAFER Wall, which is a series of energy-absorbing foam blocks behind the wall that can absorb impact. It reduces the impact force by 40-60%."
You've heard of black boxes on planes.
Well, we have crash recorders on cars too.
This box has three accelerometers that measure acceleration in three directions: vertical, horizontal, and longitudinal.
So, when a crash occurs, the data can be downloaded from the recorder, taken back to the lab, and used to accurately determine what the driver experienced during the crash.
This allows for the creation of computer models and the reenactment of the crash, and changes can be made to the car.
The advances in crash safety brought about by injury biomechanics research have greatly increased the survival chances of drivers in high-speed crashes.
Six-point harnesses, rigid safety cages or safety buckets, energy-absorbing head surrounds, separable parts, and energy-absorbing walls all help reduce force on the occupant and prevent injury.
Many of these improvements have come from the work of the Vehicle Research Center.
Adrian: "The key is to design the structure of the car to crush in front, slowing the car down gradually over time."
If you slow the car down gradually, you have more time to protect the occupants.
So, you have a little extra time to manage the occupant's kinetic energy.
We have a good safety cage here.
This means that the safety belts and airbags have enough space to work properly.
So, even after the front of the car comes to a stop, the safety belts can still stretch and the airbags can still deflate, allowing the occupants to ride it out.
We're looking for ways to extend the time it takes for these changes to occur.
Griff: "Now, side impacts are actually harder to increase the time of, so we do something different. We try to distribute the force over a larger area of the body, so that no single part of the body is subjected to force that could cause injury."
Griff: "If you don't do that, then maybe the steering wheel will come in and hit you immediately, trying to accelerate your entire body through your abdomen."
Griff: "Then, you'll be injured."
Griff: "You have more force concentrated in a smaller area, so you'll sustain more damage to the tissues and organs."
Griff: "Force and pressure are related, but they're not the same thing."
Griff: "Let me show you a more dramatic demonstration of the difference."
Griff: "Why aren't these incredibly sharp fingernails cutting through my skin?"
Griff: "It's not magic. It's because the force is spread out over a larger area of my skin."
Griff: "The trick is to have a lot of fingernails."
Griff: "Pressure equals force divided by the area over which the force is applied."
Griff: "The more nails on the board, the larger the total area of the board, and the less pressure on any one nail."
Griff: "More nails means less pressure."
Griff: "We have a lot of nails on our board, and we're going to put a 223 caliber impact dummy on my chest."
Griff: "Even though the force is greater, there are still enough nails to keep the pressure within a safe but uncomfortable range."
Griff: "In the past, crashes were always called accidents."
Griff: "But that doesn't tell you how to prevent them."
Griff: "Telling you how to prevent them is recognizing that they're a collapse."
Griff: "It's a physics problem."
Griff: "It's predictable."
Griff: "Its consequences are predictable."
Griff: "It's just physics and biology."
Griff: "Whether it's on the track, on a rocket sled, or on the highway,"
Griff: "When the forces on the occupant are high, tissues and organs are at risk of injury."
Griff: "In a crash, ensuring occupant safety involves extending the time of the crash, keeping the passenger compartment intact, and keeping the occupant connected to the vehicle."
Griff: "What happens to the human body in a crash is determined by physics and biology."
Griff: "You can't argue with hard science."

5. 📝 Beware of AI Coding Assistants | GitHub Copilot vs JetBrains AI (5 times summarized)

6. 📝 Debunking Devin: "First AI Software Engineer" Upwork lie exposed! (5 times summarized)
